This is Glenda's e-mail address. (It's new.)
She wants "in" on this. Help please.
Also, would all of you mind signing your real names when you post something. (Speaking mostly to Daniel Johns. Most people wouln't recognize "Prodigal Pariah" as you.) Thanks. Love, Rachel/Mom...use the one that applies.
And what about this calender thing? What am I supposed to do?
What happens when you combine a generous dollop of Judao-Christian holiday revelry with a dash of Asian cultural fetishization...?
Welcome to The VanderStoep Connection!
Well, here it is, a quick and easy attempt to see if we can open up the lines of communications between family members that would like to communicate more than 1-2 times a year when we meet over the holidays!
I hope to be able to invite everyone that is interested, and hopefully give everyone the ability to post messages on the site. At a minimum, family members who register with the blog should be able to post a new article and leave comments on others. This service is free and very easy to do. If you would like to upload photos from your family events, let me know and I can help you do so.
This site will be open and available to any family members that are interested. I don't have email addresses for everyone, IE, Carol and Jim, Unky Al and Robin, and many of their kids, children, etc, so please share this link with them, and if you have additional email addresses for me to "invite" to the site, then please forward them to me so I can send them an "official" invitation.
Merry Christmas! I will try to add some photos from our get together in Sheldon before the days end!
Ben Johns
How to post a picture...from Rachel J
Okay...on the first'll see a thing that says +New Posts.
Click on that. It will bring you to the page where you can type.
On THAT page, click on the thing that looks like a photograph. (second from the right in the grayish area right above the typing place.)from there you'll have access to a drop down menu to find the picture that you want. Click "open." Choose your Lay out and size. "upload" image. Wait. Click done when the thing stops twirling. "Publish Post". (With any luck at all...there will be a picture of Gramma.) Love, Rachel
PS don't worry about that stuff that looks like code. It's code...telling the computer where to put stuff.
Merry Christmas from Chris VDS
Hi all,
Merry Christmas and a VERY blessed New Year to you all!!!
And Ben, Thank you so much for putting this Blog together. I'm so glad to have a place to get to know everyone. I hope the whole family participates.
:) Chris
Merry Christmas and a VERY blessed New Year to you all!!!
And Ben, Thank you so much for putting this Blog together. I'm so glad to have a place to get to know everyone. I hope the whole family participates.
:) Chris
Merry Christmas VDS family!
Merry Christmas from Rachel
Hi Everybody...This is my first blog. Ben worked pretty long and hard setting this up. I've got nothing spectacular...just wait...eventually I will. Until that time, Merry Christmas. Love, Rachel
PS Thanks Benno
PPS This is my favorite picture of Randy, me and our friends when we went on an Alaskan cruise this summer. (We are the two on the left.)
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