
This is REALLY from Rachel Johns (not Ben)

Merry Christmas Everyone! This year I mean it more than ever before! On Decemnber 18, Randy had a heart attack. He's fine now but it was definitely a concerned couple of days. We went to the E.R. as soon as we realized that he was having symptoms. The next day he had a Cardiac Cath. and the Doctors found 2 blocked arteries around his heart. During the same procedure they inserted 2 Stents. (expandable coils of metal that force the block, open) and pretty much told us that he's good to go. He has to take some medications for a while. It's been a little over a week now and they don't seem to be having any negative effects. He also started Cardiac Rehab yesterday (Friday, Dec. 26) and is a happier man because he was told he may use the snow blower now, within reason. He is not to do any shovelling, but that's fine. One of our neighbors, Kevin Bock, has graciously volunteered to do the stuff that Randy isn't allowed to, for the rest of the season.

Ben & Kari came from Waukee right after the Cath was done. They stayed for the weekend and helped us get some things set up and really helped during a very trying time. Dan was there for moral support via telephone. "We love you" just doesn't cover it.

Today is Floyd's , what??? 51rst Birthday? I'd really like to hear about your family's Mission trip. Details please...If I'm interested, I'm sure everyone else is too. Happy Birthday, Floyd-baby.

We spent Christmas day at Mark and Glenda's place. This was the first time I got to meet Cohen, Micah's son. Sweet baby...but that's no surprise. Also, newly engaged Aleisa and and Jordon were there, and the beautifully pregnant Megan with her husband peter. Another "new" person was introduced: (and I know I'm going to spell it wrong so I'm just doing it phonetically) K-C, Marcus's brave girlfriend, came and met the whole fam damily at one time. I don't really need to say the the food was delicious, but it was.

Okay. Let's get some of your news. Happy New Year. With love, Rachel


You guys should ask Ben and Kari "what's new?"

Helloooooooooooooo Everybody! It's been so long since I've seen a new Post that I forgot that I could post, too. Well...here I am. Here are things that are new to us. (Me and Randy.) We've been working on a 1974, 914 Porsche for the last several years. This summer and last summer were the first times it's been drive-able. A couple of weeks ago, I took it out just for fun, and something in the engine blew. Now, the shell and separated transmission are in our garage. The engine is in our friend's garage. THEN a week later, I was driving my regular car (2003 Pontiac Sunfire) and got T-boned. I wasn't hurt at all, but the car is totaled. It was 100% the other guys fault and his insurance company is providing me with a rental car until next Monday. We've found another car. (2008 Ford Focus...2 door with more bells and whistles on it than I'll live long enough to learn.) We hope to pick it ups by Monday. It's red. The gas mileage is amazing. (34 to 39 mpg) The down side...the Pontiac was paid for...car payments...here we come!

Chris: I like your idea about the page for important dates. I'll be watching for it.

Okay everybody else...lets start talking again. Love, Rachel


Family Address book

Hi all,

I was just adding all the Birthdays and Anniversaries to my PDA. I thought it would be so nice to send cards, now that I actually know the events. I emailed Dan, and he said he could put together an address book page, if everyone would submit whatever information they have.

What do you all think?

Chris Van Der Stoep
411 Gardner St.
El Cajon, CA, 92020



Daniel Johns was home in Iowa for 2 weeks

After way too long, Dan came home for a while. We hadn't seen him for almost 3 years. While he was here, he made himself useful by power washing our deck and doing a "Merry Maids" number on our house and "other duties as assigned". (Randy had his 54th birthday on June 1. Dan cleaned the house for me while I was at work in Omaha, in preparation for a Birthday cookout.) We LOVED having him here. Instead of talking some more...I'm going to try to publish some pictures. The first one is just a good picture of Dan. (Thank you for not pulling a face for this shot Chrome...



Kari and I made it back from NYC safe and sound. It was a great trip and we both had a lot of fun. We flew into New Jersey on Thursday night, and took a cab to her friend Allison's condo in Hoboken, NJ. That was where we would shack up for the weekend.

Friday, Kari and I went into the city with Allison in hopes of catching some of the today show, however, we departed later than expected. By the time we arrived, Neal Diamond was getting ready to perform on the outdoor stage, neither of us cared! So we headed over to Rockefeller Center (across the street) and went to the NBC Studios. We took a tour and got to see the sets of Saturday Night Live, Conan O'Brien, and The NBC Nightly News.

Following our tour of NBC we jumped on a tour bus and rode around the city. The bus was like a double decker, with seats on the top. It was one of those deals where you could get off and on the bus whenever it made stops if you wanted to visit something specific.

We jumped off around 1-2 for lunch at Lombardis, the "best pizza" in NYC according to a few online resources (scouted out by Kari!). The food was good, and sadly, one of my favorite pictures of the entire trip was from this location, but didn't download properly onto my computer (corrupted or something). It was Kari taking a huge bite out of an even huger piece of Pepperoni Pizza.

We also jumped out at a couple other locations, including Ground Zero, Times Square, and some other spots. After our tour was done, we met up with Allison and my friend Mike Edwards (came up from Washington D.C. to attend the game). We went to dinner at Mickey Mantle's restaurant. The food was good, and the Martini's were expensive! If there isn't a price on the menu, take it as a hint. We went out after dinner and met a couple of Mike's friends for a couple beverages and to watch Allison try and make a tent out of her coat to sleep under at our table.

The next morning we went back down to Rockefeller Center because we had tickets to take us to the top of the building to get a view of the city. We had intended on doing it on Friday, but the foggy conditions meant very poor visibility, so we waited it out as long as we could. After that, we took off for Grand Central Station where we were meeting Mike to catch a train to Yankee Stadium.

Once we arrived at the park, we walked around the outside of the stadium. I was surprised how "plain" it was. I've been to many other ballparks, and almost all of them looked a lot nicer, and had more "fanfare" surrounding the entrance. At one point, I actually asked a police officer where the front of the stadium was, thinking they would have statues of Yankee Greats (Lou Gehrig, Babe Ruth, Don Mattingly!) or World Championship Pennants, and the officer informed me that I was actually at the front gate. I would have never guessed...

Once we got into the stadium, and found our way to our seats, it was almost game time. One of my friends (that works for the Pittsburgh Pirates) was able to help us purchase some good seats. When we had searched months in advance the "best available" seats were in the second deck in right field. With Matt's help, we sat behind home plate, in the "Main MVP Box" in section 202. The game was really fun, the Yankees won 6-1. Highlights included a monster home run into the second deck of right field by Johnny Damon, and two RBI doubles from Derek Jeter. Following the game, we picked up a few souvenirs and headed back to the city.

Here are some photos

Anyhow, the trip was an excellent time. I would write more but my eyes are starting to hurt from looking at the screen so long! Hope everyone is doing well!


I'd like Kari Johns to be the Interview-eee

I know some of you have met my favorite Daughter-in-Law, but most of you have not. She's been part of our family for (in December) 5 years. If you knew her, you'd love her. Ben: How about getting her onto this site? Love, Mom/Rachel


Long Time No See!

Hello fellow bloggers! I apologize for not putting more posts on the site. I've been really busy lately with work, training for the Dam to Dam, preparing for our trip to New York City to watch the beloved Yankees crush the Seattle Mariners and take in some sights, and some other general house maintenance issues. On top of that softball and sand volleyball are now starting up, which will eat up a lot of the other "free" time I would otherwise have.

Things in Waukee are going well. Kari and I fly out on Thursday for NYC, and fly back Sunday. Kari has a friend (Alison) who lives in New Jersey who we are going to stay with. Kari loves planning all the activities for the weekend. If she wasn't a physical therapist I am sure she would be an excellent travel agent. Kari is dropping the dog off with her parents tonight after work and I'm sure that will make the cat very happy. When we get back from NYC I will try to post some pictures up.

Hope everyone is doing well! Again, I apologize for my lack of input lately, I will try to be more dedicated. Without it, I'm not sure what Steph will do :).


Daniel Johns new contact information

Hey everybody....Dan has moved to a new home, temporarily. (Until the end of June, I think.) His e-mail address is the same as before. He's living in a ladies house who's name is Leslie. Her phone # is 707-443-4433. Address: 4569 Campton Rd., Eureka,CA 95503



Hi everybody.

I just thought I'd write a little as I was gone and didn't even have a chance to check in lately. I went to see Aleisa in Texas March 10 thru sixteen, I had to leave early Sunday morning which was her birthday. We had a good time celebrating the night before as I and Aleisa, Amy (her roommate), Jordan, and six friends of theirs, all went to a Mexican restaurant called "Jo T's." They only had two items on the menu, fajitas and burritos. However, they were good and the restaurant was set in a walled in patio with fountains and open sky overhead and lots of flowers. We all enjoyed ourselves and everyone was invited over to Aleisa and Amy's for cake afterwards. Aleisa and I went to buy the cake and trimmings and just before we got back to her apartment Jordan called and said the dog had had a major accident and the place reeked and needed cleaning up. Not up to snuff for company.:( (I had made the mistake of feeding it ham bones when I was making pea soup the day before and it wasn't used to anything but dog food.) Anyway, being the normal Mom (and it was really my fault) I went with Aleisa and had cake at Jordan's apartment and then went and cleaned up the mess. Most of it was contained in the kennel so that was a good thing. No more ham bones for Geoffry! Other news, Robben"s team got to the final four at the NAIA bball tournaments at Branson. Robben played only a couple of minutes due to his still screwed up foot. He's got one more year at this college basketball and we are praying for an injury free one. Believe me, he can play well when he's in his zone and it's a lot more fun than nursing an injured body part. Robben is also trying to make up for missing 25 days of school with Basketball tournaments, Easter and spring breaks. I talked to him this morning and his voice was weary. He is looking ahead to the end of May when he"s scheduled to go on a Summer of service project which Luke Society sponsors. He'll be working with a Dr Martin Luther, a black man who grew up in the area and is now a Dr. to seven villages in Benin, Africa. I bought him a sleeping bag with a pad built in while in Texas as the last guy Robben knows who went on a service project like this only slept in a bed three nights of the six weeks he was gone. That's hard on the bones! If everyone could keep him in their prayers while he's there I'd appreciate it. Well, I think I've written enough. Who else is out there? I hope you're well in every way. Love Laura


It's March...let's not let this slide.

Hey Everybody! I've been checking for any updates and haven't seen any for a while. Does anybody else have something? Remember I said we had a Renter. Wrong. In fact, wrong twice. Now that I know about background checks and all the info a person can get from them, I feel less stupid.

Randy has been spending a lot of his free time over at the other house. He's painting this week. (He's become really good at texturing.) The place keeps looking better and better. If it gets much better, we might move in. (Not really)

Gramma VanderStoep was here, along with Glenda, Ben & Kari, for her 85th birtday on March 14th and 15th. I think it's fair to say that we had a pretty good time. (The carrot cake had a REALLY soft spot in the middle, but we ate around it.)

Does anybody have any contact with Carol's kids?

My life has been pretty much the same lately. I've been working alot of hours. It's a good thing that I enjoy my job.

okay how.....any body else out there? Love, Rachel


Vander Spotlight - Chris VanderStoep

Where do you currently live and work. How did you arrive at this position?
Greetings from sunny San Diego. I’ve been in the San Diego area for 22 years. I love it! I’ve persevered through the snow. I’ve endured the desert heat. Given the choice, I’ll take the mild “Sun & Surf” thank you very much! It has been a long and circuitous road, but I am currently an Administrative Assistant at a mid-sized bio-tech company. It’s a good job. It’s a good company to work for. I really enjoy going to work. I’m blessed.

Do you have any hobbies or activities that you really enjoy when you aren't working?
I enjoy reading, playing the piano (or perhaps playing WITH the piano would be more accurate.), going to the movies, playing solitaire on my lap-top, hanging out with friends in any form. Most of my outside activities revolve around my Church family (That’s where I have most of my friends). I have been part of my little Church for 20 years. They are my surrogate family. We find lots of excuses to be together; sometimes to worship and learn a little more about Jesus, sometimes to eat, sometimes just to play and sometimes, for no particular reason at all, except to be together.

Deserted Island!! If you were dropped off on a deserted island and had the option to bring 5 items, what would they be?
If I were going to be deserted on an island, it would have to have electrical power, because I would DIE in about a week without my stereo!! I’d need my Bible. I’d have my laptop. And I guess that only leaves enough room for 2 CDs. (I don’t know how I’d choose just 2, but…)

What are some of your favorite childhood memories?
My very favorite childhood memory is probably riding the ATC wildly down the path around the corn field, singing at the top of my lungs. I also loved it when we would get to skip school for the day to go water-skiing. I LOVED water-skiing. I miss water-skiing.

If you could have one special super-power what would it be?
If I could have one super power… wow… that’s tricky. For myself, I think just the ability to control my tongue, and never say anything unkind would be extremely super-human. I’d love to have that super-power.

Please share a paragraph or two about your life, and anything in general that you would like the Vander-Bloggers to know!
I don’t think there is actually anything else very interesting to say about myself. I am very happily single. I love my job. I love my little studio house. I love my life. My life is certainly not without its struggles; but I’d rather have my problems that any one else’s I know. God is good. Life is good.


Flu Bug Bites Central Iowa

Hello all,
I haven't been to active on the blog lately as I have been glued to the couch. I went to the doc on thursday afternoon and he confirmed it, Influenza. The symptoms seem to be taking turns. Headache, sore throat, cough, puking, squirting, insert your own symptom here __________. I haven't done much of anything but lay on the couch and try to rest, drink some fluids, hack up loogies in random glasses (or whatever is close) and so on :). Kari is in New York City visiting one of her friends from college. She has been planning this trip since before Christmas and it sounds like she is having a good time. She has apparently called some different people to check in on me while she is away. Her Aunt Barbara called and offered to bring out some home made chicken noodle soup, a couple other friends have called and asked if they could bring me anything. I do believe I am over the worst of it, but still not feeling 100%. I'd appreciate any prayers you can toss my way if you have some spare time! Hope this blog finds you feeling better than I!



"Comment" by Aunt Laura

Ben and Steph, and anyone else who's interested. I just figured out how to read "comments" and added one of my own addressed to both of you and attached to my last posting. You may have given up that I was going to respond, so I'm just letting you know I did. Love, Aunt Laura


This is REALLY from Rachel Johns (not Ben)

I don't know why this keeps switching to Ben's account, and I'm in a hurry and my brain won't give me the info I need to fix it. So! Try to cope...I'll get to that part later.

Gramma Vander Stoep's 85th birthday is March 14, this year. Let me know if there's any interest in having a party. My house would be fine. We can find room for anyone who might want to come from a distance.

Randy & I are doing fine. We've been busy trying to get the house next door ready to rent out. For those of you who don't already know this, Jim McClain, our neighbor for the last 28 years, died last fall. We were able to buy his house...more or less of a self protection kind of thing...we want some input as to who will be our new neighbors. Anyway: this has turned into a real project. We've been enjoying it (mostly) but feel the need to start MAKING some money from it, instead of just investing more.

I hope to hear from you all soon.

Welcome (finally) to the "new guys."

Love, Rachel


Hi from Aunt Laura

Hi Ben and everyone else, We just came home from Robben's basketball game. It was a good game with them winning it 57 to 82. Robben's knee is getting better, after the second time of being decapitated ( knees can have this as well as heads,) so that was good also. We went out for supper with Robben, two of his teammates T.J. and Andrew, and their parents at the Nederlander in Orange City. Robben is doing well at college. He hardly ever comes home, and it's only 21 miles away, but if he likes college that much, I guess that's good. I miss him though. It was fun to sit and eat and talk with him and his friends. As we talked, the topic of this web site came up and since I shrink from using the computer in everyday life as I am not very skilled in it's use, my interest was piqued enough so that when we got home I asked Bob to help me get on so I could see the Christmas pictures etc. I am glad I did. I was glad to see everyone again, even if it was only via pictures. Ben, you asked for birthdays for the calendar so since I'm writing this I'll just give them to you now. Robben's is August 29. He will be 22. A grown up and it happened so fast! Bob's is coming right up, Feb. l6. He will be 59 years old. He's having a good time being retired and does not wish to return to the workforce as of yet. Some day, if he gets bored, maybe, but as of yet he's showing no signs of this happening. Aleisa, who is back at T.C.U in Fort Worth, has a birthday Mar.16. She will be 24. I can't believe she's that old either, but she is. She is having a much better semester this semester than last semester, which was quite a load, for both of us. For her- the work, for me- the worry that she would make it and hoping she could hold up under the stress as she didn't even have time to take a walk, most of the time. It's going better this semester. She seems to be enjoying her classes more, has more time for walks, and even had two of her professors offer to help publish a couple of her papers from last semester. Way to go Aleisa Rose. I love you! My birthday is November 3 and since I was born in l951 that makes me, let me think, (it's true as you get older your memory gets worse:( I will be 57! Some days I really feel like it too! However, Thank God for good days! Anyway, Ben, I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind when you encouraged us to post stuff on here but here is my attempt. I hope everyone is well and we will see each other soon. Love Aunt Laura


Looks like our Blogger Family is Growing!

Welcome Glenda Bruggom, Laura Schat, and Aleisa Schat as new members of the blog! If you have any questions on how to post new messages or comments, let me know. If you have any birthday's, anniversaries or other special events you would like added to the VanderStoep Calendar shoot me an email and I will be glad to add them!

I took this picture of the "fam" last night. Kari, Astro and Torre were all hanging out on the couch watching Family Guy. It isn't very often that the cat and dog are on the same piece of furniture, not to mention so close! Within 2 minutes of posing for this picture, the cat and dog were asleep, and Kari couldn't move because she didn't want to wake them. Since they were asleep, she decided to play fetch with me. Ben, fetch me some supper, Ben, fetch me something to drink :).

I'm staying quite busy with work, indoor volleyball and an indoor soccer league. Kari has been working around the house. Her current project is the upstairs bathroom. She has painted it, and got some wainscot (vertical plank looking stuff). She wants to turn our home into a cottage! Sounds like we're supposed to be getting another large dose of snow over the next couple of days. Can't wait to dig out the edge of the driveway again after the snow plow buries it. Probably my favorite thing to do at 7:00 in the morning after I wake up... Well, second favorite, can't beat cinnamon toast crunch!

Hope everyone is doing well. Talk to you soon. If you haven't posted something in a while - get to it! Let's keep this thing filled with family fun and keep in touch. That was in fact the goal of this handy dandy contraption. Now, if we could just get Dan to translate his messages into plain english :).


VanderSpotlight - Stephanie Benedict

Where were you born, and where do you currently live?
I was born in Orange City, IA. When I was 10 we moved to Arizona where I've lived in a number of Phoenix suburbs. When I was 21 I moved to MN and have lived here in a variety of Minneapolis/St Paul suburbs and now reside in Eagan.

What is your favorite movie, and what makes it your favorite?

This is tough. I like lots of movies. Um. The Princess Bride is a classic as it combines humor, romance, action and suspense. I can also quote from that movie for a variety of real life events. I also really like Napoleon Dynamite because it gets funnier every time you see it, I swear I went to high school with that guy (in a girl form) and again, quotes from that movie are completely required in my daily conversation. And finally, Memento is one of the best over all movies I've ever seen as far as movies go. That one messed with my mind and I saw it twice, in two days, in the theatre to see if I'd missed anything the first time that would have revealed the tricky ending.

If you could only eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Oh this answer depends on the day. Today I suppose I would eat home made macaroni and cheese for the rest of my life. It's delightful, delectable, delicious.

Describe your favorite trip or vacation.

Finally an easy one! Last year I went to Jamaica in December for a good friends wedding. It was the best trip so far. The water is gorgeous, the beach is beautiful, the atmosphere is warm and friendly. I scuba dived four of the seven days I was there. I read three or four books. I slept in (which means past 6:30 in the Benedict family). We were at an all inclusive resort which had really good food. It was warm and relaxing and I'd go back right now if it were an option.

Please write a paragraph or two about your life and experiences that you would like to share!

Pretty soon I will have been married for half my life. After that I will have been married for most of my life. Luke's the best friend I'll ever have. I worried, when we got married, that because I'd already known Luke for so long we'd get bored with each other, but even after nearly 16 years he can surprise me and the fact that we have so much history together makes what we have even more special. Then, the most amazing thing happened, we had Hayden. Luke and I were married 10 years before we had him. Having him completely changed EVERYTHING. There's honestly not one thing I do today that is anything like what I did my life before he was born. The whole world crumbled and collapsed the second he was pulled out and it's been a totally awesome journey rebuilding that world and seeing everything new. That sounds sappy, I know, but I really mean it. Luke and Hayden are the best things in my life and nothing would be worth anything without them. We have a very blessed life so far and I'm very thankful for it.

I'm very fortunate to have the friends and family that I do. I live far apart from my siblings (and parents) but we keep in touch and I think we all make an effort to stay friends and part of each others lives. Luke's family has always been a blessing to me, even though they drive me more crazy since I live near them. I'm happy that as I’m getting old I'm starting to meet family members I've never met before and develop relationships with family members I have never really known.


VanderStoep Calendar

Hello fam! The calendar seems to be working well now, so here's what I need from you. Please email myself or Stephanie with any Birthday's, Anniversaries, or special events or dates that you would like posted on the calendar. Once we begin receiving them, we will add them to the calendar which will always be located at the bottom of the homepage of the blog. This will just serve as a nice reminder, or informative calendar to help keep us up to date on the lives and celebrations being celebrated in our family.



Happy New Year!

Hello all-
Just wanted to drop a quick note and say Happy New Year! Kari and I spent the weekend in Galena, Illinois with friends (15 people in all). We rented a house for a couple of nights, did some snow-skiing (downhill for Ben and Cross-Country for Kari), shopping, and watched some bowl games. Fortunately, I didn't crush any small children on the slopes. I have no problem building up some speed and momentum going down the hill, but the stopping and turning often give me some trouble!

Also, I wanted to remind everyone to share this site with your/our family! I've sent out multiple invitations (via the admin tool on the site), but many "invitees" have not registered. I'm not sure if this is due to a lack of interest, or if they did not receive the emails (spam filters, or something), or something else. In any case, if you talk to your mothers, fathers, daughters, sisters, brothers or anyone else who might like to get back in touch, please share the website with them. If they aren't responding to your emails, then give them a call!

I don't know if I ever got an email address for Jim and Carole, but if you have one, please comment on this post and list their email. The members that are currently registered are Glenda Bruggum, Rachel Johns, Steph Benedict, Ben Johns, Dan Johns, Megan Jaques, Chris VDS and Robben Schat.

I will be adding another section to the left column, called the Vander Spotlight. I hope to have a "featured family member" that changes out monthly. I will probably highlight Steph first, as she has been my tester! So keep your eyes open for a brief email questionnaire.

I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas and has a great 2008!