
Arizona Reptile

Uncle Loyal (Felicia's husband) manages a reptile store in AZ and every year we make the pilgrimage. Hayden really likes the snakes and lizards, Luke tends to stand outside while we're having show and tell. This year Luke really upped the antie by telling Loyal that if he delivered it to our house, Hayden could have a reptile. Now Hayden is on the Uncle Loyal hunt (Loyal doesn't know that yet) and will probably pester him to death until he delivers. There are some fun pictures of an overnight trip we (sans Hayden) took with Feefa and Loyal and when I get those from Felicia I'll post a couple.


Chris VDS said...

I am tempted to think that was a little cruel of Daddy to get Hayden's hopes up, when we all know Uncle Loyal can't deliver it to your house. I'm sure Uncle Loyal will be thrilled to be painted the bad-guy in this little chess-game too.

Steph said...

Fortunately, at five, he's easily distracted so he probably won't have a real long term memory of this. And, we can always be the optimist that we see Loyal here in cold MN. He is getting on a plane to go to Costa Rica in a few months so there's hope!

Laura Schat said...

That snake looks very friendly. It must not be poisonous obviously, what kind is it?

Steph said...

It's a corn snake, about a year old. They will get to be about four feet long, a little more than an inch in diameter and can life for at least ten years (I think). It was very friendly, it spent a lot of time climbing into Hayden's shirt and rolling around on his belly. That would have creeped me out but Hayden thought it was cool!