
Long Time No See!

Hello fellow bloggers! I apologize for not putting more posts on the site. I've been really busy lately with work, training for the Dam to Dam, preparing for our trip to New York City to watch the beloved Yankees crush the Seattle Mariners and take in some sights, and some other general house maintenance issues. On top of that softball and sand volleyball are now starting up, which will eat up a lot of the other "free" time I would otherwise have.

Things in Waukee are going well. Kari and I fly out on Thursday for NYC, and fly back Sunday. Kari has a friend (Alison) who lives in New Jersey who we are going to stay with. Kari loves planning all the activities for the weekend. If she wasn't a physical therapist I am sure she would be an excellent travel agent. Kari is dropping the dog off with her parents tonight after work and I'm sure that will make the cat very happy. When we get back from NYC I will try to post some pictures up.

Hope everyone is doing well! Again, I apologize for my lack of input lately, I will try to be more dedicated. Without it, I'm not sure what Steph will do :).


Steph said...

It has been the Steph show for a while so it's nice to hear from you. Good luck on your run! I'm running a long run for me, 5 miles in a few weeks. I'm hoping to not die.

Rachel Johns said...

Hey Everybody!

May 6th is Ben's 30th Birthday!

This is a milestone for me because it means that one of my sons is almost to the age where teenagers will look on him as "one of them."... The older generation.

Ben, this is for all the world to see. I couldn't be more proud of you. I hope you & Kari have a safe and fun trip to see the Yankees.

Take pictures. Love, Mom