
Iron Man

It's a must see. If you haven't gone, go. If you weren't planning on going, go. If you've already been, go again.


Rachel Johns said...

Steph: (Musical Notes) Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday d-e-a-r-e-s-t- Stephanie! Happy Birthday to you. (More musical notes.) Now. If we were speaking, I'd screech this to you in true Popperschapper (Grampa VanderStoep) fashion. I know. I'm late. Did you get good stuff? With love, Auntie Rachel

Anonymous said...

Really? You liked it THAT much? I thought it was nothing special, as far as comic book film adaptations went. Plus, was it just me, or was that the MOST distracting score EVER?!?!

It was like faux-retro-'80's *blech*... "Top Gun," during the "pivotal moments" of "dramatic tension" or somesuch...

And if he's SO incredibly rich, why doesn't he just have the fragments embedded in his system REMOVED surgically upon his return to the US?

Silly... Just silly...

[Shaking my head in inter-cousin filmic disappointment]

Steph said...

Willingful suspension of disbelief. That's what it's all about.


Ben Johns said...

Was it better than Snakes on A Plane?

Steph said...

Now that's a low blow. Snakes on a Plane made us laugh right? Two different genre's, both great in their own right.

Anonymous said...

Stephalococcus, dearest--

Well, at LEAST you're CONSISTENTLY deluded [read: Sorry, "Snakes On a Plane" was poop, too]...


[Cousinly affection]

[Pity again]

Steph said...

I clearly can never see a movie with you Danny. We could play Scrabble I suppose?

Anonymous said...

DanIEL, poppet...

And we could TOTALLY watch movies together! Have you ever seen "Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon"? It's sort of of the same genric vein you seem to habor intense, masochistic affection for, but actually GOOD.

See it and report back, so we can make our first date, yeah?