
Flu Bug Bites Central Iowa

Hello all,
I haven't been to active on the blog lately as I have been glued to the couch. I went to the doc on thursday afternoon and he confirmed it, Influenza. The symptoms seem to be taking turns. Headache, sore throat, cough, puking, squirting, insert your own symptom here __________. I haven't done much of anything but lay on the couch and try to rest, drink some fluids, hack up loogies in random glasses (or whatever is close) and so on :). Kari is in New York City visiting one of her friends from college. She has been planning this trip since before Christmas and it sounds like she is having a good time. She has apparently called some different people to check in on me while she is away. Her Aunt Barbara called and offered to bring out some home made chicken noodle soup, a couple other friends have called and asked if they could bring me anything. I do believe I am over the worst of it, but still not feeling 100%. I'd appreciate any prayers you can toss my way if you have some spare time! Hope this blog finds you feeling better than I!



Steph said...

Kari must have an excellent intuition. And planning. No offense Ben, but there's not much she could do to help you (other than baby you which is nice when you're sick), but hopefully this way she won't get it too. Yuck. Did you get the flu shot?

Rachel Johns said...

Hey Benno,

I'm sorry to hear that you've been feeling so lousy. After talking with you earlier today, it does sound like you THINK you're getting better, but you still didn't sound good to me.

Hot tea with lemon and honey....that's my prescription...take a couple of aspirin first.

call me if there's anything I can do long-distance. I love you. Mom

Laura Schat said...

Hi Ben, I am also sorry to hear you are sick. You should stay home from work until you're really better or you might get sick again. ("Aunt" advice:) This is a good time, otherwise, for Kari to take a vacation. These Iowa winters are getting just too long, white and cold. At least, even though it's winter in New York also, there will be different scenery for Kari to see. I visited Aleisa a couple of years ago when she was working in New York for that one semester and wouldn't you know it! they had the biggest blizzard of several winters as soon as I arrived. We didn't do much sight seeing, as we had planned to do, as nothing was moving. They seemed to have a hard time clearing snow from those narrow city streets. I hope Kari has good weather while she's there.
Are you going to interview someone else on here soon? Steph's was fun to read and interesting. I think we should do all of the nephews and nieces first. It would be good to hear what they are all doing and their plans etc. Do you have a certain someone in mind to go next? Well, I hope you feel better soon Ben. Love, Aunt Laura

Ben Johns said...

I don't have a certain someone in mind and can certainly put another one up on the site. Any reccomendations?

Steph said...

How about someone who has, as of yet, remained silent. My sister Chris?

Ben Johns said...

Sounds good, if I send her some questions, will you pester her until she answers them:)

Steph said...

I'm an excellent pest. Anyone who knows me will agree.