
Vander Spotlight - Chris VanderStoep

Where do you currently live and work. How did you arrive at this position?
Greetings from sunny San Diego. I’ve been in the San Diego area for 22 years. I love it! I’ve persevered through the snow. I’ve endured the desert heat. Given the choice, I’ll take the mild “Sun & Surf” thank you very much! It has been a long and circuitous road, but I am currently an Administrative Assistant at a mid-sized bio-tech company. It’s a good job. It’s a good company to work for. I really enjoy going to work. I’m blessed.

Do you have any hobbies or activities that you really enjoy when you aren't working?
I enjoy reading, playing the piano (or perhaps playing WITH the piano would be more accurate.), going to the movies, playing solitaire on my lap-top, hanging out with friends in any form. Most of my outside activities revolve around my Church family (That’s where I have most of my friends). I have been part of my little Church for 20 years. They are my surrogate family. We find lots of excuses to be together; sometimes to worship and learn a little more about Jesus, sometimes to eat, sometimes just to play and sometimes, for no particular reason at all, except to be together.

Deserted Island!! If you were dropped off on a deserted island and had the option to bring 5 items, what would they be?
If I were going to be deserted on an island, it would have to have electrical power, because I would DIE in about a week without my stereo!! I’d need my Bible. I’d have my laptop. And I guess that only leaves enough room for 2 CDs. (I don’t know how I’d choose just 2, but…)

What are some of your favorite childhood memories?
My very favorite childhood memory is probably riding the ATC wildly down the path around the corn field, singing at the top of my lungs. I also loved it when we would get to skip school for the day to go water-skiing. I LOVED water-skiing. I miss water-skiing.

If you could have one special super-power what would it be?
If I could have one super power… wow… that’s tricky. For myself, I think just the ability to control my tongue, and never say anything unkind would be extremely super-human. I’d love to have that super-power.

Please share a paragraph or two about your life, and anything in general that you would like the Vander-Bloggers to know!
I don’t think there is actually anything else very interesting to say about myself. I am very happily single. I love my job. I love my little studio house. I love my life. My life is certainly not without its struggles; but I’d rather have my problems that any one else’s I know. God is good. Life is good.


Steph said...

Hi Chris! Since there was no way to work it in, I thought I'd share her big news of the week, Chris is now a Toyota Prius owner and I believe it has changed, and will continue to change her life!

Chris VDS said...

Hi Steph. Hi all.

Steph, I think you might mean that a brand new Toyata Prius is now the proud new owner of ME. She is a pretty little thing though. A gorgeous dark metallic red. And after 8 1/2 months without a car, I DO feel like a person re-born.

And I am rally happy about this whole Blog thing. It willbe great to get to know the family a little. Sometimes it feels like we live on different planets, not just in different worlds.

I have noticed the lack of any participation from any of Aunt Carole's clan. Do they know about this? I don't have their contact info, so if someone does, could you let them know?

Love ya all!

Ben Johns said...

I have emailed & called Jim and Carole and Floyd and Melanie (left them both voicemails) - but none of them have returned my phone calls or emails.

I did have a chance to speak to Al, and told him about the site - but he hasn't signed up and didn't sound so interested in "computers".

If anyone has Brian or Tara's email, I could also send them an invite.

Steph said...

Al isn't too interested in them new fangeled gadgets called computers, but he is forced to use a Blackberry every day. He has a new email address, it's al@avcarwash.com and anything you send him pops up instantly on his phone. We probably don't want to torture him too much as it is his work and livelihood.

Laura Schat said...

Hi Chris, Thanks for filling us inon what you re doing. You are very lucky to have so many parts of your life that you love so much! I'm glad your job is going well and congratulations on your new car.