
Oh man

So last month we went to Arizona. We lived there for quite some time and we went to a variety of schools there so I always feel like there's a good chance I'll run into someone I know as I wander through the airport. So we got off the airplane and I started my usual looking at everyone to find someone I recognized. We got all the way to baggage claim when I realized I was looking at the twenty year olds. I totally was looking at the wrong generation. What a way to start a vacation on a downer. I realized I needed to be looking at the partially balding men with big bellies and the exhausted looking mother of four sitting next to me. When did it happen?


Chris VDS said...

Tell me about it. It's always a shock to me when I have that realization. (Which really is surprisingly often. You would think that one would stick with you.) I have friends who graduated the same year as me and are GRANDmothers! Jeeepers!!!

Laura Schat said...

I've been at the same job for 3l years now and the people I started with were young like me when we started. It's been a shocker to see us all grow old together, as I can still easily call up how we all looked when first starting. I'll sit sometimes and (hopefully, inconspicuously) stare at their grey hair, bald head, wrinkled face and compare it to what I remember from way back when. What a downer! Once in a while somebody surprizes you though and looks really good yet.