
Spooky Bath

Luke brought home a box full of dry ice some medication was sent to their clinic in and Hayden was the beneficiary. It was so fun. I wish it were nearer to Halloween, but this was pretty cool!


Rachel Johns said...

The picture and the sound on this is so good. Teach me how to do this Steph. I've been working way too much lately. Have not forgotten you. By the time I get home, I'm scary. 'don't want to do that to Hayden. Love, Rachel

Steph said...

First you have to know how to upload your pictures and/or video from the camera to the computer. Once you know where the file you want to upload is, it's easy. You just follow the steps to add a post but in the top of the screen where you write your words there are little icons like when you're doing a word document. One is for pictures, one is for video. Click on the video, select the file you want to upload and then let it think for a while. For this 30ish second video it took several minutes to upload, for the 10 second band video it was finished in the blink of an eye. It's cool!

Laura Schat said...

I can hear you guys laughing in the background. That kind of laughing is only heard when parents are watching their kids do wonderful things. I love to hear it!