
Happy New Year!

Hello all-
Just wanted to drop a quick note and say Happy New Year! Kari and I spent the weekend in Galena, Illinois with friends (15 people in all). We rented a house for a couple of nights, did some snow-skiing (downhill for Ben and Cross-Country for Kari), shopping, and watched some bowl games. Fortunately, I didn't crush any small children on the slopes. I have no problem building up some speed and momentum going down the hill, but the stopping and turning often give me some trouble!

Also, I wanted to remind everyone to share this site with your/our family! I've sent out multiple invitations (via the admin tool on the site), but many "invitees" have not registered. I'm not sure if this is due to a lack of interest, or if they did not receive the emails (spam filters, or something), or something else. In any case, if you talk to your mothers, fathers, daughters, sisters, brothers or anyone else who might like to get back in touch, please share the website with them. If they aren't responding to your emails, then give them a call!

I don't know if I ever got an email address for Jim and Carole, but if you have one, please comment on this post and list their email. The members that are currently registered are Glenda Bruggum, Rachel Johns, Steph Benedict, Ben Johns, Dan Johns, Megan Jaques, Chris VDS and Robben Schat.

I will be adding another section to the left column, called the Vander Spotlight. I hope to have a "featured family member" that changes out monthly. I will probably highlight Steph first, as she has been my tester! So keep your eyes open for a brief email questionnaire.

I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas and has a great 2008!


Rachel Johns said...

This is Jim & Carol's e-mail:

Love, Mom

Steph said...

Happy New Year back atcha Ben. I love being the guinea pig. I'm working on Felicia, she's being shy.

Anonymous said...

My lady-doppelganger, Felicia? Tell her I'M nigh-upon a misanthrope, and *I* joined up! HUH?!?!

[Moral: If *I* plummeted off of Oprah Winfrey's GARGANTUAN ego to my bloody death, so should SHE!]

I can't STAND people who are unnecessarily coy/ don't HATE (!!!) Oprah Winfrey. Felicia's not a--*gasp*--VIEWER, is she...?